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not enough hours in the day

The First Patient by Michael Palmer

I have mixed feelings about this book because it felt a bit amateurish in its delivery.  However it was interesting enough to keep me reading on a recent scorching summer day.

The book begins with the President of the United States visiting an old friend and begging him to come to Washington to be his personal physician.  His former physician has mysteriously disappeared and the POTUS has been having some strange physical symptoms.

I loved how the author included just enough information on nanotechnology to pique my interest, which sent me on a google search to learn more.  It can be frightening to discover how technology can often be used as much for evil as it is for good.  And that is certainly the case here.  I think this book is worth reading, if for no other reason than you’ll never forget what the 25th Amendment is for.  I give this book a B.

August 17, 2008 Posted by | Books, Thriller | , , , | Leave a comment